Friday, June 13, 2014

Pittman Addition HydroPark Celebration 

Sunday June 22nd from 4-7pm 

We are getting ready to celebrate the fact that we have 5 pieces of sculpture in the park. The park in in bloom and really looks nice. There is one sad fact…the park benches are going to have to go away. The biggest problem is the graffiti that has covered the benches over the years. There is one bench that was hit the hardest, mostly because it is back in the far east corner of the park. Folks always find their way to this particular bench and do things that are not appropriate. SO…we are going to replace 2 of the 3 benches that are in the park. That being said here is one of the latest photos of the park in full bloom.

Everything is very green and the park looks so nice. We hope that you can join us on Sunday June 22nd from 4-7pm for a celebration of sculpture in our little park in North Portland On Going Court between Concord and Colonial…Behind the Plaid Pantry on Interstate and Going Street. 

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